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ADORE BEAUTY 'Whatever makes you'

Adore Beauty is beauty without the BS. Without the BS of the beauty counter hard sell, strict beauty ideals or judging people for wanting to make themselves feel good.

The online-only retailer strives to make beauty ultra-accessible, with thousands of products for whatever makes you feel your best - whether that’s having great hair, glowing skin, or a siren red pout.

The ‘Whatever Makes You, You’ platform was created to celebrate the beauty of individuality, without taking itself too seriously. The campaign keeps it real by leaning into the (often undignified) realities of what goes into making ourselves feel beautiful. And what better way to keep it real than to have real women - not flawless models - film themselves for the TVC? (Honestly I’d love to take credit for that last bit, but it was actually our only option thanks to Melbourne’s Stage 4 COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. 2020, amirite?)